New for 2022!
I am so excited to be able to share with you details of my new monthly card class.
Starting January 2022, see dates below, join me for a couple of hours making cards, learning new techniques and chatting with other crafters.
The Class will be making two cards and one fancy fold/3D or technique item and will include all materials apart from adhesives; adhesives can be bought from me on the day or you can bring your own. There will also be hot drinks and biscuits!
Dates: all Saturdays
22nd January, 19th February, 26th March, 23rd April
21st May, 25th June, 30th July, 27th August
24th September, 22nd October, 26th November
and 17th December
Time: 10am til 12noon
The class will cost £15 per person payable in advance to secure a place. If the class is cancelled or you can no longer attend card kits and instructions will be sent in the post. The class will be FREE if an order over £40 is placed on the day.
Venue: Whitminster Village Hall, School Lane, Whitminster, Glos, GL2 7NT
Contact me on or 07817867307 for more information and to book places.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, cash or cheque.
Bank transfer details:
M L Brown
A/c No. 63561410
Sort Code 20-26-21
I understand we are still in difficult times here in the UK, with COVID cases rising and you may be concerned about attending, so below I have listed out the precautions I am taking.
- The hall will be well ventilated, with doors and windows open when the weather allows.
- There will be antibac hand gel available for everyone.
- There will be disposable cloths and Anti Bacterial spray for the tables and antibac wipes available for wiping down equipment.
- All the equipment will be thoroughly cleaned in between each class.
- Tables will be spaced out.
- If you wish to wear a mask please do so.
- Please check into the Hall using the QR code.
- There will be single serve hot and cold drinks and biscuits available, please bring your own mug or glass.
Please DO NOT come to class if :
- You have tested positive for Covid-19 and are currently in self isolation.
- You have symptoms of Covid-19 and are awaiting test results.
- You have been told by Test and Trace to self isolate.
- You are required to quarantine after foreign travel.
- You have a cough, a cold or any flu type symptoms.
If you have any questions please let me know.
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